Thursday, September 12, 2013

Loves Bugs and Your Car

Many of you already know, and have experienced, the damage Love Bugs can and will do to your car. If you are not aware of this, keep reading.

We're going to make this short and sweet. DO NOT, we repeat, DO NOT let love bugs bake in the sun on your car, because they will PERMANENTLY damage the paint, resulting in costing you a substantial amount of money when, and if, you decide to trade in or sell your car.

When baking in the sun, the fluid inside these Love Bugs turns acidic, resulting in it eating right through the clear coat and paint, causing the permanent damage we speak of. Obviously, the only way to fix this is to repaint the damaged areas, which in turn, will cost you not only the money it costs to repaint the damaged areas, but now your car has decreased in value because it's been painted. Yes, paintwork on a car decreases its value when trading or selling, so DO NOT let this happen to you, when it can be easily avoided.

The best thing to do, when you see these annoying insects splattered on your car, is to wash them off with soap and water THE SAME DAY. The damage can happen as soon as 1 day, so DO NOT put off until tomorrow, what you can do today, especially if it will save you money in the future.

That's all for now. Carry on and have a great day!  


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