Thursday, October 15, 2009

Do You Have A Cracked Windshield?

If you are a Florida resident, with a cracked windshield on your vehicle, your Auto Insurance Company will replace your windshield for FREE. Many are not aware of this fact, while others are skeptical of their rates increasing, or their deductible being higher than the cost of a new windshield.

Truth of the matter is glass breakage, as well as repair or replacement of a windshield, is typically covered by comprehensive insurance coverage which is a type of physical damage coverage. In Florida, when you have this type of policy (or collision) the deductible is waived when the front windshield is being replaced due to damage, such as it being cracked.

Florida Statute 627.7288 states that the deductible shall not apply to windshield damages. However, you must have either comprehensive or collision coverage. A policy that provides liability coverage only will not cover your windshield. If you only have the state minimum required insurance, which is PIP (personal injury protection) and property damage liability (PD), then your windshield would not be covered by these coverage’s.




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